So earlier this week I was working, you know normal day, loading people in helicopters, watching the same movie I see over and over 50 BAGILLION times a day, that is until Colin came out into the lobby and asked me to come to the with him. Confused I did and he ushered me into the hangar. He stands there in front of me and said "My training at Maverick starts in December" I was so shocked I didn't quite know what to say. We weren't expecting an answer until, oh I don't know, never... ok maybe never but it was still a lot sooner than expected! So now here is the plan!
We fly out of Juneau the morning of Sept. 29th, we will be in Seattle by late morning, early afternoon and will rent a car. Colin will then take me around Seattle (first stop I'm assuming will be Ivers, just like last time we flew into Washington together haha) until we can head over to some family friends of his who are kindly letting us stay with them for a few days while we explore all Seattle has to share! Then we will drive from Seattle to the Tri-Cities area and go see my AMAZING in-laws and get settled into Colin's grandma's house which we will be house-sitting until we have to leave to go to VEGAS!!! Colin will go through about 3 weeks of training (that of course Colin will not be paid for) But after the three weeks is over he will be making some good money : D! After 90 days of working there we will get... wait for it... wait for it.... BENEFITS!!!!! Finally!
We plan on renting for a year, saving up money and buying a house (you know since prices are CHEAP and sometimes you can end up paying less on mortgage than you can on rent!) All in all we are extremely excited! This is going to be a huge step up for us!
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