But holy moly with a baby it's even harder! Last time I posted it was right after Gus was born. He is now 6 months old (I know right? Talk about time flying!) and super energetic! He sits up and rocks on his hands and knees and can take steps, with mom and dad holding him up of course. His favorite toy is his Jumperoo. He goes nuts in that thing! Jumping, rocking, playing with stuff and he loves to talk to the monkey and rhino toys on there. He also LOVES to spin all the things that spin on there. He now says Mom and Dad (hooray!) and LOVES to eat sweet potato baby food. He will grab anything he can get his hands on and put it right in his mouth. He loves to speak what I like to call "Anglish", some of his most common/funny phrases are "ooh gee wah", "Ow doo gay" and "Bwah". He now weighs 20lbs and is about 27 in long and wearing 12 month clothes, he's my little linebacker.
Motherhood has been quite the ride. Sleepless nights, frustration, puke, poop, pee. You name it. But what's even better are the hugs, laughs, smiles and kisses. The satisfaction of seeing your little one figure something new out is priceless. When he discovered his toes it was the cutest thing. He gets so excited about all the new things and that just makes me so happy. I love to watch the little wheels in his head turn. I watch him spin things and move things on his jumperoo and you can just see in his eyes that he is concentrating really hard and learning. It's so incredible. He watches what Colin and I do and tries to mimic it. That's how he figured out how to eat food. I fed him while Colin was eating and he figured it out! He watches daddy on the computer and now wants to press all the buttons. Everywhere we go, someone stops and talks to Gus and tells me how adorable he is. He of course milks that for all it's worth and totally turns on the charm. 6 months and already a little flirt! Thankfully he flirts with Mommy the most! Sometimes he's so cute, it becomes a cuteness overload and I just have to kiss the kid 50 million times on the cheek!
Colin and I wouldn't trade this for the world. Gus has brought a joy into our home and our lives that we could have never imagined. Our house may not always be spotless, we may listen to kid shows and noisy toys all day. Our house may have been taken over by all sorts of baby products, but it's all part of the fun. We love our little boy more than anything in this universe, besides each other of course. Gus is always on our mind. We sit in bed at night looking at pictures, videos and telling stories about all the silly things he does. Most of all, our home is filled with smiles and laughter. We couldn't ask for anything better!