Thursday, August 30, 2012

Baby Girl!

It was a long road to find out what our little person is but the whole road was so fun and special! Nothing better than watching your little baby kick and punch you! One thing that sets her aside from other little ones (at least for the tech) was her bouncing. She looks like she is in a bouncy chair bouncing up and down haha! First time we came in she was doing that and then a week later we come in, and she is in the same position, and she starts bouncing! The tech said: "Oh I remember you now! You have the bouncing baby!" The coolest part for me, being the mom and actually being the one growing this tiny human girl is that when I see the ultrasounds, I see what this little girl is doing in me, it's so neat to see what she is doing that I might not always feel :) I do believe I've felt her move though! I was hesitant to be sure of that at first, but, at my last appointment my doctor asked me if I thought I had felt any movement and I explained to her what I felt and when I felt it and she said she could safely say that was tiny baby kicks (now they only feel like I'm gently scratching my arm with my nails, just from the inside of my belly haha.) I don't feel it often, but if I really sit or lay still and pay attention I can feel it sometimes.

When we FINALLY found out we were having a little girl, we had come back to the ultrasound office and she was in the exact same position as before with  her little legs covering her girly parts. So the tech said, well lets just take a look at the rest of her anatomy and hope she moves enough to see. So we found her little toes, watched her kick and punch, the tech was moving the probe around and all of the sudden she says "It's a girl! Look!" and low and behold, yes she was definitely a girl! It was so exciting! I've already started looking at bedding and color themes etc. I don't know if I want bright and colorful, or classy and subdued. I'm sure I will find something and fall in love with it!

The pregnancy, other than headaches, is SO easy! No complications or anything! I've had morning sickness once and thrown up, but other than that it's been so easy! I have hormonal/emotional moments, but compared to what I could be dealing with, I got the good end of the deal! On Saturday I will only have 5 more months to go! Can't wait to meet my baby girl!